Until further notice, all Sale Days, including viewing of the pigs, will be held at the Creeds Ruritan Community Complex with the schedule listed below.
The pigs can be viewed Friday night before the sale from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM or Saturday morning before the sale There will be no viewing of the pigs on the farm prior to the sale due to disease concerns.
If you cannot attend the sale but are interested in bidding on or purchasing pigs, we can make arrangements with you to do absentee bidding.
There will be feed available for sale. It is the same ration that the pigs are currently on. If you know in advance that you need feed, please contact us so that we can have it pre-bagged for you. The price of the feed is $35.00/100lbs.
Unless prior arrangements are made, all pigs purchased in the sale must leave the site upon settlement.
Please use proper biosecurity procedures/precautions before attending our sale and when you return home from the sale. Some common biosecurity practices are
- cleaning/disinfecting your vehicle and trailer (inside and outside),
- wearing clean clothes that have never been exposed to pigs, and
- wearing clean shoes that have never been exposed to pigs.
Please call with any questions you may have and thanks in advance for your interest and support!